Mostly concerned with imperfect relationships, Who Are You Now is confident and intimate in terms of subject matter and expression throughout these variations, all of which put vocal lines front and center. For something completely different, "Something to Believe In" is a theatrical, piano-based ballad ("If you need something to believe in/You can believe in my love"), and "Dry as Sand" opts for a late-night, brushed-snare half-whisper - at least until the appearance of a rumbling, noir-esque guitar solo more than halfway through. Later, the quieter "Like You Do" makes do with threadbare acoustic guitar and violin. Like the rest of the album, it gets by with an efficient arrangement, in this case a spare rhythm section and intermittent electric guitar. She opens the ten-track set with "Pin It Down," a groove-heavy look at a problematic relationship that features shifting time signatures, modest blues chops, and a sassy, radio-friendly melody. The album reunites Cunningham with EP producer Tyler Chester, who previously collaborated with Sara Watkins, Blake Mills, and Julian Lage, to name a few. Also apparent are songwriting inspirations that range from Joni Mitchell and Jeff Buckley to Fiona Apple. For the unacquainted, the allure of her textured voice and sophisticated guitar playing is evident on said debut, 2019's Who Are You Now. Its, with no apostrophe, is the possessive form of the pronoun it ( it’s never its’), while it’s is a contraction of the words it is or it has.In the two years between debuting her jazzy, nuanced folk-rock songs on the self-released Love, Lose, Remember EP and presenting her full-length Verve debut, Madison Cunningham was invited to tour with the Punch Brothers and Andrew Bird, perform on Chris Thile's public radio show, and guest on albums by the likes of Bird, Matt Redman, and J.S. yes, the same confusion also exists between the homophones its and it’s.

When I figure out whose paper this is, I’ll sign it.Īnd, since you might already be thinking it.The ring came from a fire whose light was as bright as a star.“New York is a city whose lights burn brightly all night long.” Here, the lights belong to the city. Over time, it’s become grammatically acceptable to use whose to describe things belonging to inanimate objects and places, as well. You might ask your friend “ Whose umbrella is this?” In other words, you’re asking who owns the umbrella. Our fortnightly Heart Matters newsletter includes the latest updates about coronavirus when. Traditionally, whose was only used to describe a person or several persons, as in “Sarah, whose dog is cute, just arrived.” In this case, whose indicates which person’s (Sarah’s) dog we’re talking about. Imagine it’s raining and you grab an umbrella, only to realize later that it isn’t yours. Were here for you with information and support around coronavirus. So, in this case, whose is a possessive adjective, because it describes who owns something. The word whose is possessive, and it is often used as an adjective, which is a word that describes or clarifies a noun or a pronoun. Write smarter with our thesaurus-powered Grammar Coach™! Get spelling help, synonyms suggestions, grammar check and more! Sign up now! When do you use whose? Tony told me who’s coming to the party.My aunt is someone who’s living in California.Who’s is a contraction of who is or who has. A contraction is a shortened form of two or more words where the omitted letter (or letters) is replaced by an apostrophe. So, when the bears in Goldilocks and the Three Bears ask each other “ Who’s been sitting in my chair?”, it can also be understood as “ who has been sitting in my chair?” And, if you’re wondering “ Who’s going to write these words with more confidence?”, we hope that the answer to who is patting themselves on the back right about now is you. If either substitution works: who’s is your word. Substitute the words who is, (and then who has) into your sentence. whose is whether you need one word ( whose) or two ( who’s). The first thing to figure out when deciding between who’s vs. (For example, a purse belonging to a woman is “the woman’s purse.”) Not the case here, though. So, to help clarify further, watch this video that illustrates the differences and read more below! When do you use who’s? Who Are You (1978) The Kids Are Alright (1979) Quadrophenia (Soundtrack) (1979) 70's 'Best Of' and Compilations (1970's) Face Dances (1981) It's Hard (1982) Who's Last / The Who Live (1984) Who Rarity Collections 80's 'Best Of' and Compilations Join Together (1990) 30 Years Maximum R&B (1994) Live At The Isle of Wight (1996) 90's 'Best Of' and. However, many people still find whose and who’s particularly confusing because, in English, an apostrophe followed by an s usually indicates the possessive form of a word. Whose is the possessive form of the pronoun who, while who’s is a contraction of the words who is or who has.